Value Calculator for FloatForce

— Calculate your savings and get the results in PDF

Welcome to the Metso FloatForce upgrade value calculator! Please fill in the below fields with as much information as possible and see what the benefits of a FloatForce upgrade can be to your flotation process, both economically and environmentally. Please keep in mind that the default values in the calculator (i.e. metal prices) will be updated periodically but may not be fully representative at the time of your calculation. For any further information or enquiries please contact your local Metso representative or use enclosed contact request and we will respond as soon as possible!

Example calculations: Medium site, XL site




{{calculator.currency.label}} = 1 €

Process specifications


Process specifications

dry t/h
Concentrate production
{{calculator.concentrateProduction() | formatNumberDecimal :0}}


{{calculator.numOfTanks}} {{calculator.tank.label}} cells


Calculated power draw/cell
{{calculator.calculatedPowerDraw() | formatNumberDecimal :1}}
Total calculated power draw
{{calculator.totalCalculatedPowerDraw() | formatNumberDecimal :1}}


{{calculator.operationalDays}} days


Utilization rate
{{calculator.utilizationRate()*100 | formatNumberDecimal :1}}

Prices & Costs

{{calculator.LMEInCurrency | formatNumberDecimal :0}} {{calculator.currency.label}}/t

Prices & Costs

Note: You have to choose metal from the "Process specifications" section before you can fill-in this section.
Estimated concentrate price
{{calculator.estimatedConcentratePrice() |currencyFilter :calculator.currencyRate | formatNumberDecimal :0 }}
{{calculator.currency.label}} / t

Value proposition

{{calculator.recoveryIncrease}}% recovery rise

Value proposition

Shaft rpm reduction
{{calculator.shaftRPMReduction() | formatNumberDecimal :0}}
Power consumption decrease / cell
{{calculator.powerDecrease() | formatNumberDecimal :1}}
FloatForce lifetime increase
{{calculator.FFLifetimeIncrease() * 100 | formatNumberDecimal :0}}
CO2 e Emission reduction / cell
{{calculator.emissionReduction() | formatNumberDecimal :0}}
tons of CO2e / annum

Economic and Environmental benefits

{{calculator.customerTotalValue() | formatNumberDecimal :0}}
{{calculator.currency.label}} / annum
{{-1 * calculator.customerDecreasedCOEmissions(3) | formatNumberDecimal :0}}
tons / annum

{{calculator.customerDecreasedCOEmissions(3) | formatNumberDecimal :0}} tons of CO²e reduction equals to

x {{getIconMultiplier(calculator.customerCOEmissionEquals('cars'))}}
{{calculator.customerCOEmissionEquals('cars') | formatNumberDecimal :0}}
cars removed from the streets
x {{getIconMultiplier(calculator.customerCOEmissionEquals('trees'))}}
{{calculator.customerCOEmissionEquals('trees') | formatNumberDecimal :0}}
planted trees
x {{getIconMultiplier(calculator.customerCOEmissionEquals('planes'))}}
{{calculator.customerCOEmissionEquals('planes') | formatNumberDecimal :0}}
air miles
As is {{calculator.currency.label}} Upgrade Difference Value {{calculator.currency.label}}
Increased recovery {{calculator.customerIncreasedRecovery(1) | formatNumberDecimal :0}} {{calculator.currency.label}} {{calculator.customerIncreasedRecovery(2) | formatNumberDecimal :0}} {{calculator.currency.label}} {{calculator.customerIncreasedRecovery(3) | formatNumberDecimal :0}} t/a {{calculator.customerIncreasedRecovery(4) | formatNumberDecimal :0}} {{calculator.currency.label}}
Decreased power cost {{calculator.customerDecreasedPowerCost(1) | formatNumberDecimal :0}} {{calculator.currency.label}} {{calculator.customerDecreasedPowerCost(2) | formatNumberDecimal :0}} {{calculator.currency.label}} {{calculator.customerDecreasedPowerCost(3) | formatNumberDecimal :0}} MWh/a {{calculator.customerDecreasedPowerCost(4) | formatNumberDecimal :0}} {{calculator.currency.label}}

Save the calculation in PDF format

All values and figures seen in the below value calculator are intended for information purposes only and cannot be taken as a guarantee or binding to Metso in any way. Currency and market fluctuations will not be updated in real time; economic gain and environmental benefits are only to be seen as indicative to our clientele. The CO2e (i.e. global warming potential in kg of CO2 equivalents) savings are estimated with an LCA approach and based only on the decreased electricity consumption (i.e. decreased country-specific emissions of consumed electricity).